Do you anguish over family members, friends, acquaintances, or coworkers who have left the Catholic Church, completely abandoned their Christian faith, say they don’t get anything out of Mass or don’t even believe in God, are living in grave sin, in addiction, or have otherwise lost their way? Are you disturbed by the Godless evil and lies that have filled our world? Do you feel at a loss as to what to do about it? You are not alone!
It IS overwhelming! We are in a war – a war against the supernatural forces of evil. Never have we witnessed evil so openly and effectively promoted, while faith, virtue, character, and morals are so blatantly mocked and rejected throughout every part of society – in the media, arts & entertainment, the workplace, schools at all levels, government to the highest offices, and sadly, in the Catholic Church, and in our very own homes and families.
Would you be willing to enlist in the fight to reclaim lost ground? If so, St. Matthew Parish welcomes new prayer warriors for this very important mission. Statio, which is Latin for Stand on Guard, is a Special Forces intercessory prayer team with a targeted focus on praying for:
We need parishioners to stand on guard in spiritual battle through prayer and sacrifice to reclaim our loved ones, to rebuild the Church, to strengthen all our parish ministries, and to fight the good fight. All it takes is a willing heart and a commitment to pray. Put on the full armor of God and join us!