A Pre-Baptism Class is required for first time parents or those who have never taken the class. Please contact the parish office where the baptism will take place. After attending the class, the Baptism can be scheduled. A sponsor certificate/letter for each Godparent must be submitted to the parish office prior to the Baptism. Call Carol at ext. 380.
All Saints Church - Saturdays 8:30 am to 9:30 am
Holy Spirit Church - Saturdays 12:30 am to 1:30 am
St. Aloysius Church - Saturdays 3:00 pm to 3:45 pm
St. Bonaventure Church - Tuesday 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm
or by appointment - in the church, home, office or wherever.
First Communion:
First Holy Communion is usually celebrated in the Spring. Children candidates are expected to be enrolled inthe parish faith formation program. Contact Louis Bosco at ext 413 for details and registration.
Home Bound:
Upon request, Holy Communion can be brought to the home by the Priest, Deacon, or extraordinary minister of Holy Communion. Contact Elaine at ext. 419.
The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick:
This sacrament is administered by a Priest and is preferred when the recipient is aware of its healing power. Communal Anointing of the Sick Masses are offered during hte year - in the fall and spring in one of our churches. Contact the parish office when needing assistance.
Couples wishing to marry must meet with one of the priests or deacons in our parish at least six (6) months prior to the anticipated wedding date. No date can be confirmed until the couple meets with one of the parish clergy team. Please call the parish office for more information about planning your sacramental wedding at Saint Matthew Parish.
Adult Initiation:
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A) process sees to the needs of those who are inquiring about the faith of Catholics. Adults interested in learning about the Catholic faith can learn more through regular meetings with trained catechists. Call Louis at ext. 413 for details and registration.
The parish celebrates confirmation in the fall of 9th Grade. Contact ext. 415 for details and registration. Any adult (over 18) should contact Louis at ext. 413 for details and registration.
Children preparing for confirmation are expected to be enrolled in the parish faith formation program.
Parish Membership: New parishioners are always welcome! Complete the form on our website under Join the Parish.
Bulletin Deadline: All bulletin announcements must be submitted in writing and received by Friday Noon, 10 days prior to publication. Material will be published on a space available basis.